Posts tagged with: training chickens

5 Reasons to Get an Automatic Chicken Door

Homesteaders have been using old school chicken coop doors for years and years. However, there is now a new option on the market for modern pioneers and homesteaders: the automatic chicken door. After investing in an automatic chicken coop door for my first chicken coop, I knew when I built...

7 Things to Train Chickens to Do

My chicken is smarter than your dog! Did you know that cognitive research has actually proven that chickens can be smarter than dogs, cats, and even 4-year old toddlers!? Chickens are entertaining in and of themselves, but training them can be both fun and functional. These 7 things to train...

The Secret to Training Chickens

Chickens are intelligent creatures. They can recognize up to 100 different individuals and have the ability to compare themselves to other flock members in relation to ability, experiences and gender. When I first had the idea to train one of my chickens, I didn’t realize how easy it was going...