Posts tagged with: chicken health

Caring for a Sick Chicken- the basics

Caring for a sick chicken is difficult and challenging, there’s no way around it. Chickens are prey animals, so they try to act tough under all circumstances to prevent showing their weaknesses. Being able to recognize a sick chicken as soon as possible and learning how to diagnose poultry ailments...

Do Chickens Need Heat During the Winter?

Oh dear, it’s that winter chicken keeping question again… Do chickens need heat during the winter? The answer to that question is no. However, the answer to the next question may surprise you… Do chickens need supplemental heat during the winter? The answer is, sometimes. Yes, I’m saying that your...

Natural Chicken Keeping First Aid Kit Supplies

The natural chicken keeper’s first aid kit will look different than the average poultry first aid kit. These natural chicken keeping first aid kit supplies can prove to be in-valuable to the modern homesteader. Instead of synthetic anti-biotics, chemical treatments, and processed supplements, there will be natural anti-biotics, plant-based remedies,...

10 Reasons Why Hens Stop Laying

Practically speaking, I raise chickens for enjoyment and for the sake of homesteading. Eggs are a complimentary bonus. Is it natural for hens to lay eggs? Absolutely! Is it natural for them to lay every day, 365 days out of the year? No. Over the years, I have come to...