Dairy-free Chocolate Bark (gluten-free)

Super simple, minimal ingredients, but results that are addicting… that’s what this dairy-free chocolate bark recipe is all about! Chocolate bark was another one of those recipes where I was thinking, this is so simple, do I really need to share the recipe. It seems so straightforward to make. But...

Guide to Cold Hardy Chicken Breeds

Cold hardy chicken breeds are the way to go for northern homesteads! While chickens can naturally handle cooler weather better than hot weather, when it comes to brutal and severe winter weather… having a few extra features to help conserve body heat can help. This guide to cold hardy chicken...

Gluten-free Backpackers Fudge (dairy-free)

Gluten-free backpackers fudge is not your traditional smooth fudge recipe, but it certainly has the gooey sweetness and addictiveness of any fudge I’ve ever had! Think of backpackers fudge as more of a sweet oatmeal fudge bar. This fudge combines two of the best flavors, peanut butter and chocolate, into...

Are You Ready for Raising Chickens?

Chickens are often considered the gateway animal to homesteading. However, just because they are one of the smallest livestock animals to start raising doesn’t mean they are the easiest! Your modern pioneer journey can start even without any livestock animals, but maybe this year you are considering adding a flock...

Grain-free Cinnamon Rolls (gluten-free)

Merry Christmas modern pioneers! Christmas is no doubt my favorite time of year. I love all the family traditions, all the Christmas cheer, the spirit of giving, all the holiday activities, and of course, the true meaning of Christmas is certainly not forgotten on my homestead! One of my family’s...

Can Chickens be in the Snow?

For northern homesteaders, the winter months can often bring that fluffy white stuff that you either love or you hate. As for your homestead flock, they probably have a low tolerance for snow. Snow not only brings a new element to caring for your flock during the winter, but it...

Grain-free Gingerbread Cookies (gluten-free)

These grain-free gingerbread cookies are the perfect traditional holiday cookie! I was not a big fan of gingerbread cookies, that is, until I had these cookies. I love making Christmas cookies, so I wanted to create a gingerbread cookie that was delicious and that I would enjoy this Christmas season....

How to Help Chickens Deal with Cold Stress

Cold stress is an often overlooked condition that is nearly unavoidable for most northern homestead flocks. Learning how to help chickens deal with cold stress will keep them healthier and productive through the winter months. Cold stress can cause illness and even death, so it is important to make sure...

Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Baked French Toast

French toast fresh out of the skillet, topped with a slab of soft butter and a drizzle of real maple syrup is certainly a great way to start the day on the homestead. However, when the chores start stacking up combined with other daily obligations, you might just not have...

Supplement Dosages for Chickens Guide

Natural supplements are a great way to keep your homestead flock healthy using holistic methods that both heal and nourish your chickens. However, many natural supplements do not come with specific dosages for chickens since little study has been done using natural supplements for small scale-poultry raising. Natural supplements are...

Grain-free Pie Crust Recipes (nut free)

Making a traditional pie crust may seem daunting. And, making a grain-free pie crust may seem even more daunting. However, as a modern pioneer, making your own homemade pie crust is an essential homestead life skill! Thankfully, these two grain-free pie crust recipes are super easy to make and can...

Feeding Chickens for Free- Is it Safe?

What’s your biggest on-going chicken keeping expense? If I could hazard a guess, I would say it’s buying feed for your homestead flock. Many homesteaders grab at the chance to feed their flock free food. In fact, there are now many suggestions and ideas for how you can feed your...

Grain-free Cinnamon Coffee Cake

A warm slice of soft and moist coffee cake, perfectly flavored with rich cinnamon and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar…. this grain-free cinnamon coffee cake is so good you will never know that it’s grain-free! It’s has a perfect light cake-like texture and is topped with a delicious grain-free crumble...

7 Best Winter Treats for Chickens

The winter months can be a time of increased food consumption and strain on a chicken’s daily energy needs. Cold weather and exposure can all increase a chicken’s need for energy in order to stay warm, keep the circulatory system working good, and ensure all other body functions remain healthy...

Dairy-free Butternut Squash Soup

Dairy-free butternut squash soup is one of my favorite fall soups to make from scratch on the homestead! My family had their doubts when I said I wanted to make butternut squash soup, but now they are begging me to make it again and again. You are going to love...

Is Oatmeal Good for Chickens?

It’s getting cold outside as winter sets in and one way to help your flock deal with the cold temperatures is by giving them warm treats! Oatmeal is a common treat that comes to mind since chickens love oats and it is an easy thing for you to make for...

Dairy-free Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

This dairy-free chicken and wild rice soup is creamy, flavorful, and perfectly delicious! It’s the perfect mix of roast chicken, wholesome wild rice, creamy broth and milk, and a variety of nutritious vegetables. Loaded with nutrition and protein, this soup makes for a well-rounded meal that is cozy, warm, and...

3 Reasons Why Hens Stop Laying During the Winter

Many foods that we raise and grow on the homestead are considered seasonal crops, meaning they can only be grown during a certain season of the year. A lot of times we forget that eggs are actually a seasonal food too. Birds of any species naturally don’t lay eggs every...

Grain-free Chocolate Dirt Cake (gluten-free)

I love the outdoors and I love cake, so dirt cake sounds fantastic! Making this grain-free chocolate dirt cake was so much fun, especially when I turned it into a fishing-themed cake to match my adventurous spirit. Cake and fishing? Surely those go together when you make a dirt cake...

Secrets to Chicken Coop Enclosure Maintenance

Ever get tired of a muddy, dirty, and stinky chicken coop enclosure on the homestead? I know I sure did! Then I figured out these secrets to chicken coop enclosure maintenance and it has made all the difference for my flock! I don’t need to be a clean freak, I...