Posts tagged with: molting

Natural Supplements for Molting Season

All chickens who are over a year old molt at least once every year, usually in the late summer and fall months. Molting is when a chicken replaces its old feathers with new feathers, which will help keep it warm and stay healthy. Molting can be stressful for chickens and it...

Chicken Molting 101- What is Molting?

We’ve reached that time of the year where you get no fresh eggs from your homestead flock and it looks like someone plucked all your hens: welcome to molting season. All birds molt, both wild and domestic. It is a natural occurrence that is often triggered by weather patterns. Molting...

Balancing Protein in a Flock’s Diet

Protein is needed for a chicken to survive. It is required for nearly all the body functions to work properly. Balancing protein in a flock’s diet is important because many factors play a role in the protein needs of individual chickens. The standard protein content in commercial chicken feeds may...

Emergency Care for Molting Chickens

Supposably the annual fall molt should go smoothly and without issue, but if you have raised chickens for any length of time, you will know that they love to keep life interesting! Knowing when to step in and administer emergency care to molting chickens is essential for when your flock...

10 Reasons Why Hens Stop Laying

Practically speaking, I raise chickens for enjoyment and for the sake of homesteading. Eggs are a complimentary bonus. Is it natural for hens to lay eggs? Absolutely! Is it natural for them to lay every day, 365 days out of the year? No. Over the years, I have come to...